Friday, April 22, 2005


Okay, fellow geeks, I'd like to introduce a new thread, sci-fi style. Your continuing mission: to assemble your dream Starfleet crew. You will choose a Captain, First Officer, Doctor, Chief Engineer, Head of Security, and one other 'Wild Card' crew member. Here are the rules.

1. You may choose from any 'regular' crew members from the five Star Trek series: TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. By 'regular', I mean someone who appeared for more than five or six episodes in a significant role. For example, Reg Barkley would be considered a regular, but Edward Jellico would not.

2. You may have two crew members from any one of the five series. After that, the limit is one crew member from any other series. (So if you take two from TNG, for example, you may have only one each from the other four shows.)

3. Please limit your selections to 'crew members' only. 'Crew members' refers to anyone who plays an important role in the day-to-day operations of the ship or station. For example, Guinan and Garek could both be considered 'crew members', but Lwaxana Troi would not.

4. No villains, please. And for the love of all that is good and holy, no Q.

5. You may also have one crossover: a crew member taken from somewhere other than Star Trek. It could be from a movie, a sci-fi novel, another TV series, whatever.

6. Naturally, when you list your selections, you should explain why you chose each character over the other available candidates. Be detailed. Be specific. Be verbose.

I already pretty much have my crew together. However, since I'm starting this thread, I am going to invoke the privilege of posting mine last. I want to see what you two come up with first. It should be interesting.

You have your orders. Make it so.

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