Sunday, April 24, 2005

All Good Things...

As promised, here's my Trek cast list.

Captain: Picard is the most cerebral, Sisko is the most passionate, Janeway is the most determined, and Archer is...well, I haven't really figured out what Archer is yet. But for pure adventure and fun, I'll go with the original: James T. Kirk. What can I say, I love heroes drawn in bright primary colors.

First Officer: With a nod to Curtis, I have to go with Babylon 5's Susan Ivanova as well. In addition to her strength, her sense of humor, and her spirituality, she has perhaps the most important attribute of any First Officer: the ability to get things done. That's a talent that would come in quite handy while Kirk is off punching out bad guys and/or chasing skirts.

Doctor: I think I'll take Phlox, for two reasons. First, I think his bedside manner is better than that of any of the other doctors, and second, I enjoy seeing his unusual habits and perspectives.

Chief Engineer: Agreed, Geordi, Miles, B'Elanna, and Trip are all outstanding engineers. But if my ship is surrounded by Romulans, the warp drive is shot, and we have two minutes to live, I have to go with Scotty.

Head of Security: Odo is extremely competent and thorough, and Worf is just not to be screwed with. I even considered using my Crossover to bring in Obi-wan Kenobi from SWE2:AotC. But in matters of security and investigation, it's always nice to know you have a security chief who is relentless, impartial, and obsessed with finding the truth in the way that only a Vulcan can be. So with Derek, I give the nod to Tuvok.

Wild Card: My Wild Card is something of a cross between Curtis' and Derek's choices. He's the Swiss Army Knife of Starfleet, whose outside perspective on humanity helps keep us all a little more human. Gentlemen, I present Commander Data.

I know, this leaves a crew with nobody from Deep Space 9. While this is lamentable, I hasten to point out that DS9 probably had the most coherent, most integrated crew by the end of its run. It's hard to break up a good ensemble.

So, that's my list. Thanks for playing, everyone. (Speaking of which, Tiffany, have you a contribution to make? We'll post it if you do....)


dilliwag said...

I almost went with General Kenobi as my wild card but decided to go with someone a little outside the box.

Michael said...

'Outside the box'? For all practical purposes, R2D2 *IS* a box. :)