Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What A Way To Go

I was watching the end of The Wizard of Oz the other night, and I saw the famous "I'm melting!" scene. And it made me think, "What a crappy way to go." But there are worse, I suppose.

The Top Ten Worst Ways to Die in Fantasy and Science Fiction

10. Being turned into a cardboard dodecahedron, then squished.

9. Having an alien embryo burst out of your chest. (It's even worse if the alien then produces a top hat and cane and tap dances away.)

8. Committing suicide on the moon because you realize you can never hope to control the awesome power you have, only to come back and then die again numerous times over the next thirty years.

7. Being beaten to death by Doomsday as a publicity stunt.

6. Having your head put on a pike as a warning to the next ten generations that some favors come with too high a price.

5. Having your soul sucked out through your mouth.

4. Being Force-choked by a Sith Lord while watching him talk to the poor sap who's about to get your job.

3. Being blasted by a Cardassian possessed by a Pagh Wraith.

2. Landing your spaceship safely under impossible conditions, only to be impaled seconds later when a huge spear crashes through your windshield.

1. Finally recovering something precious to you after losing it decades earlier, only to lose your balance at the moment of triumph and fall into a lava pit.

So, did I miss any?

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