Thursday, May 21, 2009

Marvel-DC Dustup (Part 3)

Okay, here's the next round of matchups. Starting at the bottom of the picture:

The Wasp vs. The Atom
Ray (this is Ray, right?) is more intelligent and can shrink to a smaller size, both of which are considerable advantages. Janet's powers are more versatile, though (energy blast and flight), and she has years of experience as the leader of the Avengers. These factors tip the balance in her favor.
Winner: The Wasp

Hawkeye vs. Green Arrow
It's hard to pick against either of these two. They are so evenly matched in speed, skill, attitude, and the ability to make snappy patter to distract an opponent. And both of them rarely miss. As Ronin, however, Clint probably has better hand-to-hand fighting skills. Once they both run out of trick arrows, Hawkeye wins.
Winner: Hawkeye

Beast vs. Vixen
Beast is smarter, stronger, and faster. But Vixen's powers give so many different options in combat, I don't think Beast would be able to keep up. Sorry, Hank.
Winner: Vixen

Scarlet Witch vs. Zatanna
Red combat lingerie vs. Magic fishnets. In picking a winner for this fight, the snarky part of me wants to say "Every fanboy who reads the comic". But on to the actual fight. Zatanna typically has to speak to cast her spells, which could be a disadvantage, but not a major one. Wanda probably has more raw power—chaos magic is nasty stuff. But she's just too unstable to rely on in a fight. Zatanna's skill and steadiness wins the day.
Winner: Zatanna



Lord Mhoram said...

On the GA/Hawk fight, remember that GA has sparred with Canary for years, and has some pretty decent Hand to Hand as well.
I really don't know which way I'd go there. To me that one is too close to call.

On the female mages front - it's all who figures out the other's magic. Once Wanda realizes that Zatana has to speak, Zatana gets a really unexpected case of instand laryngitis. If Zatana figures out Wanda is a chaos mage, she cuts off her connection to chaos. Fight over.

Both those would be writer's fiat/which serves the story better.

But I agree with the fanservice comment. :)

Joe said...

It should be noted that while Green Arrow may have sparred with Canary for years, Hawkeye was actually TRAINED by Captain America in hand-to-hand combat. Hawkeye wins. Please note the difference between training WITH Captain America (which most Avengers have done in the Avengers version of a danger room) and being trained BY Cap. Hawkeye was actually trained by Cap.

Vixen would likely beat the Beast.

Zatanna vs Scarlet Witch could go either way.

While the Wasp is one of my all-time favorite characters and is generally underestimated in a fight, I still give this one to the Atom.

Lord Mhoram said...

I forget about the Cap training. Give that one to Hawkeye.

Now if it were the second Green Arrow (Conner) they would get it. Conner fought Lady Shiva to a standstill in hand to hand, plus being a phenomenal archer.

But this fight - yeah Hawk all the way - Cap training for the win. :)

Michael said...

Aw, Joe, you just don't like Ollie because he's a bleeding-heart Liberal. :)

Good call an the "Trained by Captain America" thing, by the way.