Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Return of Gwen Stacy

While the event was a little before the start of my serious comic reading time, the death of Gwen Stacy has always stood, at least to me, as one of the most significant deaths of comic book history. Unlike the deaths of numerous comic book heroes, heroines, and supporting cast members, Gwen Stacy remains dead. Until now! It appears Sam Raimi is bringing her back in Spider-man 3. The Perfessor, over at Cuppacafe, offers his thoughts.

I never fully bought the then-given "official" reasons for her death, and I mark her death as a seminal point in my young life, for to me, at that point in time, she was a real to me as anyone both inside and outside of fiction, and I honestly believe that her death had a profound effect on me even to this day.

Give the whole piece a read; it's a good one.

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