Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Doug Ramsey: Reloaded

I found this article through about the Top 10 obscure comic-book characters that should be brought to the big screen. Some of IGN's nominees included Animal Man, the Question, the Flaming Carrot, and the spectacular Spider-Ham. And one of the nominees was someone with whom I was actually familiar: Cypher.

Yes, that Cypher. Doug Ramsey of the New Mutants. And my initial reaction was, "You've got to be kidding. Cypher? That guy's as useless as a chocolate teapot. Even dying didn't make him interesting."

And then I read their proposed story:

"Mutants live in a world that fears and hates them, but truth-be-told, if Doug Ramsey existed in our world, he'd be one rich man. Cypher has the ability to instantly understand and communicate in any language, even binary. Rather than your typical X-Men flick, Cypher would actually be an incredibly successful intelligence agent, who happens to house the deep, dark secret that he's a mutant. A Cypher flick could prove to be the rare superhero thriller."

And I thought, that's one decent story idea.

Which is exactly one more decent story idea than the geniuses at Marvel ever came up with for the character.

1 comment:

dilliwag said...

This is a really interesting article, Mike. I'm going to see if I can come up with a couple obscure characters I'd like to see in film, TV, or even comics.