Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Tech Toys

Best Ship (Large)
Akira Class starship. Sleek, aesthetically pleasing, and armed to the teeth. Visually, Star Trek's phasers and photon torpedoes have always had a certain appeal for me.

HM: Imperial Star Destoyer.

Best Ship (Small)
Serenity from Firefly. The small cargo ship has the most character of almost any ship in science fiction. You've got to love a ship's mess that includes a huge wooden table around which crew and passengers enjoy communal meals.

HM: X-wing.
HM: Colonial Viper.

Best Weapon (Ranged)
A Green Lantern power ring. Technically speaking, the GL ring is a technological device directed by the will of the weilder and powered by the Oan Central Battery. Versatile and stylish. Need a laser? Got it. Need a net? Ditto. Want to overwhelm your enemy with a flock of birds? No problem. It's all about the ring.

HM: Phaser rifle from Star Trek.

Best Weapon (Hand-to-hand).
Like my esteemed colleague, I have to go with the elegant weapon of the Jedi Knights: the lightsaber.

HM: Batleth. It slices and dices the old-fashioned way!

Best Tool
Iron Man armor. Sensors, transportation, defensive shielding, and offensive weapons? It's the Swiss Army Knife of science fiction.

HM: Dr. Who's sonic screwdriver.

Best Exotic Device.
The Orgasmatron from Woody Allen's, The Sleeper. Wait, that's an erotic device . . .

Robby the Robot from Forbidden Planet. Incredible strength (check out the image of Robby lifting a lead monolith), immense intelligence, and the ability to manufacture any substance known to humanity. Don't leave home without him!

HM: A Stargate.
HM: Any of the Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology from the Star Wars Expanded Universe series.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Great choices! I hadn't even thought about anything from comicdom. And the Orgasmatron, well, that was just funny.