Tuesday, November 11, 2008

These are the Voyages . . .

The first images of the new Enterprise for the upcoming ST movie have officially made it to the web. ST geeks have already started complaining about the design. I've already read everything from "This looks NOTHING like the Enterprise. JJ Abrams is a hack" to "The warp nacelles look 10 meters too long." And that's just the start. I mean, really, do ST fans want anything other than repeats for all eternity? I'm a huge ST fan and I think the redesign looks smashing. Yes, there are some differences from the original ship. This is supposed to be an updated, yet true to form, version of the original. I swear, some fans won't be satisfied until Shatner is back in the Captain's chair. Get a life, geeks!



Lord Mhoram said...

That design is really pretty. Between that, the other pics I've seen, and the leaked details on story (based on clips shown) I am really stoked about this movie.

Lord Mhoram said...


Has the story info I mentioned. Very Spoileriffic. But it really sounds good.

Lord Mhoram said...


Sorry lost the last bit of the url.

dilliwag said...

I've remained fairly spoiler-free regarding the actual story content (besides the time travel element, which does concern me). Like you, I'm pumped to see what someone else does with the ST franchise. Please, please, please know this one out of the park. There are too many stories still left to be told in the ST universe.

Lord Mhoram said...

The spoilers address the time travel aspect a little bit - and I think it will work, based on what was said. I won't share details, to keep it spoiler free, but I really think it will work.

dilliwag said...

Cool. I'm a little concerned about non trek fans, though. Trek needs to connect with the average movie goer, you know? Do non trekkers by the whole time travel thing? Time travel stories always drive STK just a little bit wacky. She'll go with me to see the move, I'm sure, but I guarantee we'll talk about the time travel element after all is said and done.

Lord Mhoram said...

From what I read, the time travel element isn't a major piece of the plot. Just a way to pass the torch.

Joe said...

The warp nacelles look 10 meters too long. ;)

Michael said...

Today's User Friendly comic deals with this very subject:


There's a point at which being a nerd just goes too far....

(Not that any of us are in a position to complain, of course.)