Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Wizard's First Rule: Legend of the Seeker

1st Trailer for the new series.

Looks promising?


Michael said...

The production looks clean, and the cinematography is excellent. Richard looks pretty much exactly like I'd pictured. Kahlan looks good too, although for some reason I always think of her as a blonde. (I may have to check the source material on that one.) Zed looks nothing like I'd pictured--I've always imagined him as skinny and dark-skinned, maybe Maori or Australian Aborigine.

All in all, I'd have to say the trailer has piqued my curiosity.

Lord Mhoram said...

Not having read the books, I'll make my comments about it as a movie trailer.

The use of slowmo and spedup cams in the fight realted scenes is irritating as heck.

Based on nothing but this trailer, I'd put it as a middle of the road average fantasy movie - somewhere on par with the Seeker, or Golden Compass, but no where near as good as Narnia, Harry Potter or LoTR.

But that is just initial impressions from a trailer.

It is good enough to make me want to want to see more; hoping that my initial impressions were wrong.

ShannonW said...

I think it has possibilities!

Unknown said...

It should be a lot of fun. The producers want to stick to the characters and settings of the books, with small changes made for TV.

Here are some new photos:


Unknown said...

There's a Facebook page to keep you up to speed too.
