Monday, September 18, 2006

Star Trek: Special Edition!

I kept the TV on way later than usual tonight to check out one of the remastered Trek episodes. As luck would have it my favorite episode, Balance of Terror, was being aired. The changes made in episode are fairly cosmetic--the Romulan warbird received a CGI spit and polish and the Enterprise "phasers," which look suspiciously like photon torpedoes, got an upgrade too. If this episode is any indication, it looks like the reworked bits will mostly concern exterior and background shots. I thought I was going to be really put off by the changes (Greedo shoots first, anyone?), but I think the Star Trek gang knew better than to mess with greatness. Let's face it, the Star Trek franchise has enough problems at the moment. Who needs a bunch of angry fanboys screaming, "Bring back the man-in-suit Gorn!"?

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