Thursday, December 22, 2005

Good News . . .

And it has nothing to do with my car insurance. Several Sci Fi type announcements have my interest piqued.

Kyle Rayner: Ion. In the upcoming year, my favorite Green Lantern returns in his own series. Woohoo! Will a retain his affiliation with the GLC? Unknown. To honest, I don't really care. I developed an affinity for the character, one not shared by about half of GL fandom, and can't wait to see Kyle back in his own title.

The Sci Fi Channel picked Battlestar Galactica for two additional seasons. That's excellent news for those of us who think BG is the best television show on the air presently. NBC Universal also asked Moore to develop a couple new science fictionish properties. Let's hope they're not stretching him too thin.

Finally, Sideshow Collectibles plans to release a new Iron Man comiquette (what's the difference between a maquette and comiquette?). Behold!
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Holy Guacamole! That's a terrific looking piece. The $250 price tag is a bit rich for this comic fan, but it's nice to dream.

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